CDA announces renovation orders for the Faisal Mosque

CDA announces renovation orders for the Faisal Mosque

CDA announces renovation orders for the Faisal Mosque. Chairman of the Capitol Development Authority (CDA) Amer Ali Ahmad told a member of engineering and a member of finance to make a PC-1 for a full and thorough renovation of the Faisal Mosque.

In the last 40 years, no work has been done to fix up the Faisal Mosque. As a result, both the parking areas and the bathrooms are in bad shape. The federal government gives a maintenance grant, but it’s not enough to keep the mosque in good shape.

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So, the CDA has decided that this is not just a big deal for Islamabad, but for the whole country, so Rs200 million will come from the CDA budget.

Also, there will be a separate directorate with a full team for horticulture, maintenance, electrical work, and civil works.

Both lighting and letting in sunlight will be done.

The Directorate of Municipal Administration (DMA) will also be told that no one should park or get a license in the area. This is to protect the area’s sacredness and natural beauty.

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