DC Gujranwala issues rehabilitation orders for neglected parks

DC Gujranwala issues rehabilitation orders for neglected parks

News sources said that on Thursday, October 6, Gujranwala Deputy Commissioner (DC) Saira Umer told the Parks and Horticulture Authority (PHA) to fix up 10 parks in the city.

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During a PHA review meeting about the city’s building projects, the instructions were given. DC Saira said at the time that the city needs more healthy outdoor spaces and that fixing up 10 parks will give families safe places to enjoy the outdoors. She also gave PHA an order to make up a budget deficit of PKR 80 million. The deputy commissioner also told the authority to make sure that all employees were present and that they all had biometric attendance. She was impressed by how hard the PHA worked to keep the city looking nice and how quickly it took action on its cleanliness drive.

It’s important to note that Gujranwala is the third biggest city in Punjab, and its population is growing. The city is famous for the way its people eat and for the way it is built. The government has also recently split Gujranwala into two parts, with Gujarat being the second part.

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