Punjab begins Heritage and Urban Regeneration project for walled Lahore

Punjab begins Heritage and Urban Regeneration project for walled Lahore

On August 26, news sources said that the Punjab Local Government and Community Development (LG&CD) Department has decided to start a project to revitalise the walled city of Lahore. The project, which will cost PKR 4 billion, will help fix up old buildings and monuments in the walled city.

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Municipal Secretary Syed Mubasher Hussain is said to have said that the first phase of the project will be to rebuild the areas around the Shahi Qila, Badshahi Masjid, and other nearby sites. When done, the project is meant to make the city a better place for tourism and leisure activities. Also, it was said that the government would ask for help from other countries to fix up buildings.

It’s important to know that the French government has recently agreed to pay for fixing and improving the walled city. As part of the effort to restore Lahore’s historical charm, the French government will give money, technical help, and consulting services.

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