RDA organized an anti-dengue campaign in Rawalpindi

RDA organized an anti-dengue campaign in Rawalpindi

RAWALPINDI:  The Director General of Rawalpindi Development Authority, Muhammad Siaf Anwar Jappa has organized an anti-dengue awareness campaign in the entire city. He is distributing pamphlets about dangers of Dengue alongside suggesting prevention measures among the residents from Murree Road.

The DG RDA has suggested the residents to take special care and priority precautions for hygiene. He stated that the residents must not accumulate in the open atmosphere, or some house corners. His team even suggested to keep an eye on plant pots and water coolers, as they attract dengue mosquitoes.

DG RDA has authorized the RDA officers and officials to take steps to prevent dengue spread in the office premises. The team had inspected drainage system, so that they avoid unclean standing water be no standing water at the premises of the office. Such unclean waters also become a huge source of mosquitos’ larvae breeding. He advised the general public to use mosquito repellent spray frequently.

Asif Mehmood Janjua, Director Admin and Finance RDA is an active participator of the anti-dengue campaign. Some of the other participants of the campaign are Deputy Director Admin Iftikhar Ali,  Deputy Director IT Dawood Khalid, Deputy Director Finance Khawaja Arshad Javed, and Deputy Director Building Control Atif Mehmood,

Some of the employees who remained absent during anti-dengue campaign have received a termination notice. Such move clearly shows that the RDA authorities are very strict about cleanliness in the city.

The DG RDA asked all the employees to be punctual and ensure attendance at the office around 9 am morning. He also advised his officers to make sure that their campaign doesn’t create any disturbance for the general public. The campaigners have kept speedy and quality work into account to provide relief to the general public. Any illegal construction without NOC should not get any perks by the RDA.

The DG RDA has asked all the directorates to work hard for a successful campaign. He also advised to avoid any physical obstacle in the way, and there must not be any delay in the campaign.

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