Building activity increases pollutants: Lahore

Building activity increases pollutants: Lahore

LAHORE: The inhabitants of the province, and the residents of Lahore specifically, have been fighting the scourge of smog for nearly ten years.

Read more with EL news: Road project delays are still an issue

Prof. Dr. Zarfishan Tahir, the dean of the Institute of Public Health (IPH), has expressed grave worries on the rising levels of air pollution and their direct effects on human health in the meantime.

She added that there was a serious risk to the public’s health from the rising amounts of carbon dioxide, smoke, dust, and hazardous substances in the atmosphere in a statement released on Wednesday.

She continued by saying that there had been a noticeable rise in a number of health problems as a result of this dangerous overexposure, including respiratory disorders, chest infections, coughs, colds, and eye illnesses. Dr. Zarfishan encouraged individuals to wear face masks when they go outside and to avoid needless outdoor activities as a way to protect themselves from the detrimental effects of smog.

“The collective responsibility of citizens in curbing activities that contribute to air pollution” was the last point made by Dr. Zarfishan.

Several government agencies are in a difficult situation as a result of the caretaker Punjab administration’s policy regarding development projects and smog avoidance.

The problem of smog has been made worse by the development projects’ production of dust clouds and vehicle emissions.

The Lahore Development Authority (LDA), the Environment Protection Department (EPD), the Health Department, the Lahore Metropolitan Corporation, and the Lahore Waste Management Company (LWMC) have all been working hard to ensure that development projects are finished on schedule as Lahore has grown into a thriving metropolis over time.

Sources claim that the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) suggested pausing development projects for two months, however this suggestion was turned down.

Smog is growing because hospitals are being renovated and a vast network of roadways, underpasses, and flyovers are being built.

Because of the dust clouds that construction operations are causing the air to absorb, smog levels are rising.

Shutting down enterprises and industries that cause pollution and smog is the responsibility of the Punjab Environmental Protection Department. They haven’t really advanced much in this direction, though.

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