CDA chooses to digitise plot data for the benefit of the public

CDA chooses to digitise plot data for the benefit of the public

Islamabad: According to sources on October 10, the Capital Development Authority (CDA) has decided to digitise plot records in an effort to improve public convenience.

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According to the specifics, insiders claimed that a special online gateway would be created to streamline this procedure and provide in-depth details regarding residential and commercial plots as well as buildings. A pro forma for the submission of detailed plot information is being developed by CDA officials. This pro forma will act as the framework for building a data bank that will allow for the digitalization of records. Citizens will have unrestricted access to this digitised information via an internet gateway.

Additionally, as a pilot project, the digitalization initiative will start with the D-12 record in the first phase. Records from all industries will eventually be converted to digital format after its effective adoption. Records from numerous departments, including the revenue directorate, planning, estate management, and building control, will be included in this thorough effort.

Furthermore, without having to physically visit CDA offices, individuals can readily get information on water fees, property taxes, and other duties. Individuals may now easily get detailed plot information with just one click, which is a big step towards increasing accessibility and convenience for the general public.

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