This month, LDA megaprojects will open to traffic

This month, LDA megaprojects will open to traffic

Lahore: According to news that appeared in the top daily on November 6, Chief Engineer of the Lahore Development Authority (LDA), Israr Saeed, declared that four massive infrastructure projects in the city will open to traffic this month.

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According to the information provided, Lahore’s four major development projects are almost ready to open to the public, providing a hopeful solution to the city’s ongoing smog problem. According to the Chief Engineer, these four projects’ completion will greatly lessen the amount of smog in the city. Contractors are required by rigorous directions from the LDA to make sure that all building sites receive a two-hour water sprinkler system.

In addition, these developments include flyovers at Akbar Chowk and Shahdara, an underpass at Khalid Butt Chowk and an underpass at Bedian Road. Giving specifics on the projects, he said that the flyover project at Akbar Chowk was expected to be finished in just six months, as opposed to the original 10-month estimate.

Together with the primary project, the Akbar Chowk flyover also involved remodelling Maulana Shaukat Ali Road and building ten U-turns—all of which were completed without removing a single tree. The project was supposed to be finished by March 25, 2024, according to the contract, which went into effect on May 26, 2023.

Comparably, instead of taking the whole 10 months as planned, the Shahdara flyover project was expected to be completed in 7.5 months. The contract stipulates that the construction must be finished by January 4, 2024, and work started on April 4, 2023.

The Bedian Road subway project was moving along at a very rapid speed, with completion scheduled in just two and a half months as opposed to the six months that had been initially projected. With a contractual completion date of February 26, 2024, construction got underway on August 26, 2023.

Not to be outdone, the Khalid Butt Chowk Underpass project was projected to be completed in about two months as opposed to the six months that had initially been scheduled. The project contract set a final completion date of March 10, 2024, and official construction work started on September 14, 2023.

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