Mithi DC has 24 hours to remove Karoonjhar Hills of encroachers

Mithi DC has 24 hours to remove Karoonjhar Hills of encroachers

HYDERABAD: A Sindh High Court bench of Hyderabad circuit ordered the Mithi deputy commissioner (DC) to clear the Karoonjhar Hills of all encroachers within 24 hours of their lease cancellations on Wednesday.

Read more with EL news: “Defects” in the IHC building are highlighted

After passing the ruling, the division bench of Justices Mohammad Shafi Siddiqui and Arshad Hussain Khan scheduled Shankar Meghwar’s petition for Thursday.

The petitioner asked the court to postpone the director general of mines and minerals department’s July 22 auction notification and “declare the Karoonjhar mountains as historical, traditional, world cultural heritage and tourist point of Sindh”.

The bench heard amicus curiae M/S Ishrat Lohar’s report on the Karoonjhar case of 2021. The court noted Karoonjhar Hills had hundreds of temples and appeared centuries old.

The United Nations declared it a tentative World Heritage site, and the Sindh Cultural Heritage (Preservation) Act 1994 declared the Karoonjhar Hills, 19 sq kms, a World Heritage.

Since many mining leases/licenses have been withdrawn, it appears miners and mineral department are causing havoc and not caring for this World Heritage Site. It’s one of the rare sites in the world with hundreds of surviving temples, some of which have been damaged by time or private individuals like mines and mining officials, the directive stated.

The court noted that Rabel Sarwar, assistant director of the mines & mineral department, stated that “all mining leases issued at Karoonjhar Hills or in vicinity of Karoonjhar Hills, have been cancelled and last auction notices have been withdrawn as impugned in petition.” However, some licensees/lessees were still there.

We therefore think it necessary to expel these encroachers/occupants occupying World Heritage Site 19 sq km Karoonjhar Hills for excavation and clean the site. The judgement stated that the Deputy Commissioner Tharparkar at Mithi will work with law enforcement to prevent them from seizing Karoonjhar Hills, as identified above and disclosed in petition document.

The court ordered the Mithi DC to clear site within 24 hours of Wednesday and appear in person with report. “No excuses will be tolerated in case Hill is not cleared from those encroachers/occupants who are bent upon to demolish this World Heritage structure for their commercial gain,” the decree added.

In a 2021 petition, the respondents didn’t appear before the court, but the judge said they might attend by themselves or with counsel on the next occasion since no further delay would be given.

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"Defects" in the IHC building are highlighted

“Defects” in the IHC building are highlighted

ISLAMABAD: The administration of the Islamabad High Court (IHC) has expedited investigations into numerous defects in the high court building following the malfunctioning of a lift in which 18 people, including the lead counsel of the PTI chief, were stranded for more than 40 minutes.

Read more with EL news: Encroachments removed from Peshawar’s Northern Bypass

The IHC administration ordered an investigation into the lift malfunction on 25 August and requested a report, which was submitted to the chief justice on Monday.

A senior official told Dawn that the IHC chief justice had already ordered an investigation into the building’s defective air conditioning system and other construction defects.

According to him, the investigation committee will record the statements of the appropriate officials, including the sessions judges who were assigned to supervise the construction work.

After the conclusion of the investigation, the contractor may face NAB and FIA proceedings.

Once the investigation is complete, the matter may be referred to the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) or the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), according to an official.

Sources revealed that former IHC chief justice Athar Minallah, while presiding over a meeting last year, stated that the contractor would be sent to prison first and the high court could be relocated subsequently. The former chief justice was in favour of remanding the case to the NAB, but the decision was deferred due to concerns that the construction would be delayed if the case was sent to the bureau.

The construction began in November 2013 and lasted approximately a decade. The structure was made operational in June of this year. Upon the relocation of the Supreme Court to the new facility on Constitution Avenue, a number of issues arose.

The HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system, which cost Rs550 million, was malfunctioning. Recently, the malfunctioning lift suggested that the building posed grave threats to the lives of litigants, attorneys, court staff and even supreme court justices.

In addition, the IHC’s boundary wall collapsed earlier this month, prompting Chief Justice Aamer Farooq to order an investigation. Following the collapse of the boundary wall, the Pakistan Public Works Department sent a letter to the housing ministry stating, “The newly constructed Islamabad High Court’s filtration plant is not functioning properly.” The HVAC System, for which the contractor was paid in full in June 2022, was inoperable.

It stated that “as a result, additional split units have been provided” for “judges and senior staff,” while lower-level employees worked without air conditioning. Similarly, the IHC building’s firefighting system, IT, electrical protection system, and security systems have not yet been installed.

In October of last year, the building’s resident engineer pointed out issues with the elevators, but his advice evidently fell on deaf ears. The engineer pointed out in his letter that the lift operating panel installed in the courthouse chamber and the office building were not identical in design and shape.

In a subsequent letter dated May 8, the resident engineer reiterated that the lifts and other electrical and mechanical systems were not up to code and requested that the housing ministry investigate the issue promptly.

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Encroachments removed from Peshawar's Northern Bypass

Encroachments removed from Peshawar’s Northern Bypass

PESHAWAR: By tearing down encroachments and regaining a sizable chunk of land on Wednesday, the district administration cleared a significant portion of the long-delayed Northern Bypass.

Read more with EL news:  Four Thal Express train bogies derail in Mianwali

The 32 stores and other structures that were erroneously built on the encroached land were destroyed by the district administration.

According to a statement released here, the district administration recovered 165 Kanals of land during the anti-encroachment effort, clearing the way for the completion of the northern bypass.

The completion of the northern bypass now would not be delayed, according to Assistant Commissioner Rao Hashim, who also predicted that it will happen soon.

Speaking to Dawn, Mr. Hashim claimed that 165 kanals of agricultural land had also been invaded by the villagers. The assistant commissioner stated that it will now take six months to complete the northern bypass.

He said that package 1 of the northern bypass, which began at the Peshawar-Islamabad Motorway, had already been finished and that the main obstacle to finishing the remaining stretch of the road was encroachments.

The operation against encroachments will continue indiscriminately in all parts of Peshawar, according to Peshawar Deputy Commissioner Shah Fahad, and harsh punishment would be taken against individuals erecting unauthorized constructions.

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Four Thal Express train bogies derail in Mianwali

Four Thal Express train bogies derail in Mianwali

Tuesday in MIANWALI, four cars of the Thal Express train destined for Multan derailed near the local train station; however, no one was injured.

Read more with EL news: Sindh caretaker government plans to legalize unlawful construction

According to railway sources, as the passenger train slowed down before accessing the station’s platform, its final four passenger-laden bogies derailed.

The locomotive engineer applied the train’s brakes and brought the train to a stop upon recognizing the predicament.

Fortunately, none of the derailed cars overturned, and no passengers were injured.

Following the incident, the track was closed to rail traffic and a crane from the Kundian Railway junction was brought in to remove it.

Prior to the submission of this report, the track-clearing operation was ongoing.

This writer was informed by a railway official that the disaster occurred due to the need to replace the ageing railway track.

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CDA requests I-15 allotees deposit development fees before tomorrow

CDA requests I-15 allotees deposit development fees before tomorrow

The Capital Development Authority (CDA) has instructed I-15 allotees to settle development expenses by August 30 or lose their plots.

Read more with EL news: Officials do not expect the RBOD initiative to prevent flooding

The allotees disputed the civic agency’s decision, saying the CDA’s deadline was unjustified because the two sub-sectors were still developing.

Dawn was told by allottees that CDA failed to develop the sector after they bought plots in 2005. They stated asking allottees to submit construction charges so quickly is unjustified. They also said CDA did not demand development fees during 2005 allotment.

However, member estate CDA Afnan Alam defended the CDA move, saying that 70% of the sector’s development work has been completed and over 6,000 possession letters are ready to be issued to allottees. The development charges are nominal and justified, and allottees must deposit them to avoid plot cancellation.

He indicated many allottees had paid their dues. For a deadline extension, he said, “We can look into it sympathetically, but every allottee is bound to deposit dues.”

The CDA had made great progress, and development work in two sub sectors, I-15/3 and 4, is complete. Development in the other two, (1 and 2), continues at full speed. He said CDA has collected almost five billion rupees from Park Enclave allottees.

An engineer from CDA claimed 85pc of sub sector 1 development work is done and 75pc of sub sector 2.

He added the CDA is slightly having trouble acquiring land in sub sector I, but the land directorate is working hard to rectify it.

Due to CDA mismanagement, I sectors for low-income housing have been blocked for years. Successive CDA managements have given several reasons for not developing these areas.

I-15 was created for low-income residents only in 2005. It has 10,289 plots. Sector I-12 development is underway like I-15.

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What is comparative Market Analysis (CMA) in real estate?

What is comparative Market Analysis (CMA) in real estate?

The phenomenon of CMA real estate is extremely important as it helps us determine many factors. In addition, since CMA stands for comparative market analysis. So, the explanation is somewhat self-explanatory. Well, CMA stands for evaluating the apt worth of properties. Here is an example – suppose a house that just gets sold will be of some worth according to the buyer. So, analyzing and having a somewhat estimation of its worth and the similar properties in the same neighborhood.

That is what is Comparative Market Analysis (CMA). So, we decided to bring authentic, solid, and profound information on the phenomenon, so that there is no inconvenience in the future. In addition, it is always better and more apt to be aware and know the environment. So, give a thorough read to the article, so that you can make better decisions.


Real Estate & Information Sources

Real estate markets are a tricky space to tap into. Partially because there is a plethora of departments and is simply giant and also because every sector needs perfection. So, an influx of information is what keeps the vicious cycle going, helping people to be better and make wiser investment choices is needed.

Moreover, the digital space is also huge and in this time and era, there is absolutely no brand/service or anything else survivable for long if there is no online presence. To reach the masses, one has to have a solid outreach on all the leading social sites. It helps them provide their information to their target customers. Well, in the niche of real estate, the need for authentic information is mega, so Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) and others do help at large. So, do inform yourself on the diversified topic.

Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)

Let’s talk about Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) for now as it is the major focus for us. We will be catering to all kinds of information and data related to the topic so that it is understood better. Well, as mentioned above, CMA helps the agents and brokers see the selling prices of properties. So, they make the best list which includes the entire data history. Making the best real estate forecast for the investors in general.

Here are the key points;

  • The research of Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) is solid, secure, and just simply top-notch.
  • A list is made by the seller which is basically the estimation of a home or property, eventually helping the seller to have a ‘selling price list.’
  • So, the buyer ought to make comparisons and then make a competitive offer to land the best deal.
  • Well, now the question is how the comparison is made. What are the keynotes and most importantly, what key factors are pertinent?
  • Well, location, pricing, master plan, infrastructure, size of the building, comfort, amenities, and luxuries are being offered.
  • So, the comparison is accordingly, upon which the buyer makes a decision.

So, this is how it works. In addition, one might wonder if they can make a better CMA real estate evaluation. They often wonder how they can do it more authentically and with sheer transparency. Here is how you can do it.

Personal Comparative Market Analysis

To do the analysis personally and without any kind of hindrance, uncertainty, or even clashes, you can do a few steps only. Before going ahead, it is important to note that the real estate market analysis claims that the industry is huge. Therefore, being fully aware, transparent, and most importantly sure about the data is important. Well, why? Because the investment opportunity comes only a few times in a lifetime, so being on your toes and cautious is really important.

  • Connect with the local agents, consultants, and even brokers.
  • Pitch the property of your demand and ask them about the Comparative Market Analysis (CMA).
  • The report that you will be provided will help you in the bigger picture, to make better investment decisions.
  • In fact,  personal research is also a great way, and dig out all the data about a property. Make a quick and wiser evaluation, analyze deeply, and take the next step.

CMA Report

The CMA Report includes many factors and facets that are everything deep, thorough, and keen. Helping the buyers make the best evaluation possible. Well, here are some of the keynotes of the report;

  • The location of the concerned land, and all the comparable.
  • The entire description of the property including the size, infrastructure, maintenance, and everything in between.
  • Sold pricing and even of the competitors
  • Dollar adjustments and more.


The above blog included everything from scratch to conclude all the information about Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) as a phenomenon. Well, it is important to be ahead of your game and make wiser decisions. That is precisely what (CMA) does. Anyhow, stay connected with Estate Land Marketing for further updates.

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Officials do not expect the RBOD initiative to prevent flooding

Officials do not expect the RBOD initiative to prevent flooding

Sunday, the Sindh Minister for Planning and Development, Mohammad Younus Dagha, directed the secretary of the Irrigation Department to prepare a plan to reduce the risks to the Sukkur Barrage’s structure, the flooding of cities and villages on the right bank of the Indus River, and the rehabilitation of Manchhar Lake.

Read more with EL news: Sindh caretaker government plans to legalize unlawful construction

In a meeting convened by the chairman of the Sindh Planning and Development Department, Syed Hassan Naqvi, the secretary of irrigation, and engineers and other officials of the Sindh irrigation department, the directives were issued, according to an official statement.

The irrigation secretary updated the meeting on the status of the Right Bank Outfall Drain (RBOD) project. It was reported that RBOD remains a sick enterprise and that toxic effluent from the right bank continues to be released into Manchhar Lake.

The meeting was informed that there are no active projects or plans that could ameliorate the situation. Even if the RBOD project is completed, it will not prevent inundation in the districts of Kambar-Shahdadkot, Larkana, Dadu, and Jamshoro, the meeting was informed.

These regions, which were severely impacted by the floods of 2011 and 2022, will continue to be at risk unless measures are taken to divide flood waters into distinct zones with independent discharge systems into the river.It was also reported that any recurrence of the 2011 superfloods could imperil the structural integrity of the Sukkur barrage unless a plan is devised and implemented to divert excess water safely into the Nara desert.

The Minister Dagha ordered the Irrigation department to take immediate action to prepare plans for the revision and reactivation of the RBOD project, which ensures the rehabilitation of Manchhar lake, the diversion of flood water from the upper right bank region into the Indus River, and the diversion of flood water into the Nara desert.

These programs are essential to preventing losses to households, agriculture, and infrastructure of trillions of rupees every few years.

The province of Sindh, according to Dagha, is the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, and we must take immediate, sustained action to make our infrastructure more resilient.

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Sindh caretaker government plans to legalize unlawful construction

Sindh caretaker government plans to legalize unlawful construction

KARACHI: The provincial caretaker government has hinted at regularizing all unlawfully built buildings in the city, it was revealed on Monday, in what is being seen as a move outside its jurisdiction.

Read more with EL news: Civil work on the ML-1 will start in 2019: railroads CEO

In Karachi and other regions of the province, the illegal construction of multi-story buildings on modest residential lots has developed into a lucrative industry. The higher courts have been hearing numerous petitions against the threat, and in one case, the supreme court ordered the 15-story Nasla Tower demolished and declined to regularize it because it was built unlawfully.

Though he is also a builder, Caretaker Local Government Minister Mubin Jumani instructed the Sindh Building Control Authority (SBCA) on Monday to conduct a thorough investigation of all illegally built structures in the province, including Karachi, where people were residing, and to submit a report within 48 hours.

He stated that the primary goal of the provincial caretaker government was to offer the greatest amount of help to the populace during a meeting with a delegation from the Association of Builders and Developers (Abad).

Unauthorised structures will be regularised following a third-party assessment, the LG minister informs Abad.

“By having a third-party survey of these buildings,” he informed the delegation, “we will take steps to regularise all such illegal buildings where people have settled under the law.”

Recent restrictions on new construction and the approval of building maps and layout plans across the province were made by the caretaker minister.

The ban was brought up at the conference by the Abad delegation, which was led by its current chairman Altaf Tai and former chairman Mohsin Sheikhani.

In order to save the city from turning into a concrete jungle, Minister Jumani informed the delegation that the moratorium on new projects and layout plans had been put in place for “only a few days.”

According to a news release released following the meeting, he stated that the caretaker administration will develop a strategy in this area that might encourage legitimate builds and discourage illicit buildings.

He claimed that in order to increase revenue for the provincial government, the government sought to establish a system in the province’s building industry.

According to the LG minister, the SBCA and all other authorities have been told to conduct a thorough investigation into the illegal structures that have been erected around the city and province and to produce a report within 48 hours.

He declared that a committee made up of representatives of builders, the SBCA, the Karachi Development Authority, the Malir Development Authority, the Lyari Development Authority, and other stakeholders would be established by the caretaker government to make recommendations for the construction sector.

The minister received assurance from the Abad chairman that his ideas will be submitted in two to three days. In light of Abad’s suggestions, he encouraged the minister to lift the moratorium on building plans.

Speaking at the event, LG Secretary Najm Shah pledged that the administration would make every effort to introduce a complete strategy in a week after consulting with all parties.

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Civil work on the ML-1 will start in 2019: railroads CEO

Civil work on the ML-1 will start in 2019: railroads CEO

LAHORE: According to Pakistan Railways (PR) Chief Executive Officer Shahid Aziz, it will not be able to start civil work on the Main Line-1 (ML-1) project this year.

Read more with EL news: FGEHA offers plots to overseas Pakistanis, public in G-12, F-12

But we can state that by the end of this year, “preparatory work related to approval of the project under CPEC, floating of tenders, bidding, award of the contract, etc. will start.”

An agreement between Pakistan and China would be reached in October, according to a claim made earlier this month by the former minister of railroads Khawaja Saad Rafique, and the project may begin in January 2024.

Mr. Aziz claims that once the ML-1 project has started, PR would like to start working on the ML-2 project (between Kotri and Attock).

At a Monday e-open court conducted at PR headquarters, Mr. Aziz responded to questions from the public by claiming that PR was underfunded in comparison to other nations’ rail systems.

He claimed that governments in industrialized nations spend ten times as much on railroads as they do in Pakistan, and he added that if the department received more budget, it could be handled more profitably.

Mr. Aziz also urged the government to address the problem of opening letters of credit for payments made in foreign currencies because it is having a negative impact on PR’s goods business.

“We are also trying our best to convince the government to take on the responsibility of paying pensions to retired PR employees, as it will decrease the financial burden on the department,” he said, adding that the department had also been having problems making sure that the salaries of its employees were paid on time.

He said that CCTV cameras had been set up at all of the nation’s major train stations due to the security situation.

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FGEHA offers plots to overseas Pakistanis, public in G-12, F-12

FGEHA offers plots to overseas Pakistanis, public in G-12, F-12

According to an advertisement that appeared in the national media on August 27, the Federal Government Employees Housing Authority (FGEHA) is giving residential plots in Islamabad’s recognized prime sectors G-12 and F-12 for the first time to overseas Pakistanis and the general public.

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According to the information provided, the authority has set aside 15% of the quota for Pakistanis living abroad and 20% for the general public. Through the FGEHA’s official website, interested members of the general public with a computerized national identity card (CNIC) and abroad Pakistanis with their POC/NICOP/Dual Nationality/Resident Permit may submit an application for these plots. The application submission date is October 10. Additionally, the applicants will receive a 5% discount on upfront full payment.

The following additional information relates to the application process for plots in Sectors G-12 and F-12:

  • The applicants may submit more than one application for a plot in each category, and if more than one application is accepted, they may select which plot to maintain.
  • A three-year, simple payment plan is available to purchase the plots. You can submit the application form together with a non-refundable fee at the Askari Bank Ltd. and Bank of Punjab branches.
  • Pakistanis who do not live there may also apply using their VISA or Master Card.
  • The assigned plot numbers will be transferred in accordance with the established rules.
  • The corner plots will be subject to an additional 10% cost.
  • A automated ballot will guarantee fair distribution.
  • The stipulated terms and conditions will be followed.
  • The areas are close to the highway, Saddar-Rawalpindi, the new airport in Islamabad, and the Paki Secretariat.
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