AJK will begin a journalist housing program in 45 days

AJK will begin a journalist housing program in 45 days

News sources say that Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan, the Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), will start a housing program for members of the Kashmir Journalist Forum (KJF) in 45 days.

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According to the information shared, the land for the first phase of the housing scheme will be given to KJF members in Kotli. During the second phase of the project, plans will be made for how land will be given to Islamabad and Muzaffarabad. A government official said that the project’s groundbreaking will be set up soon.

Khan, the Prime Minister of AJK, said that the housing project for KJF is part of the government’s plan to help people live better by giving them access to basic services. He also said that small businesses in the state need to be supported so that more jobs can be made, and he said that local goods from AJK are very popular.

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