GHQ suggests the establishment of strategic oil reserves in Gwadar

GHQ suggests the establishment of strategic oil reserves in Gwadar

GHQ proposes strategic oil reserves near Gwadar. A report in the press on April 12 says that the General Headquarters (GHQ) has asked the federal government to make Gwadar, Pakistan’s coastal city, a 0.7 million ton strategic petroleum reserve (SPR). The new building will add 30 days to the maximum SPR.

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According to news sources, the GHQ said the SPR should be used because the country needs to grow more on its coast and diversify its oil sources. People in Karachi, Hub and Mehmood Kot could also get 2 million tons of SPR. The Hub facility will be able to store 1 million tons, with 0.7 million tons in Karachi and 0.3 million metric tons in Mehmood Kot.

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According to a report from GHQ to the government, people in charge of the military want to strengthen strategic resilience, diversify oil supplies, and ease traffic and reliance on the Karachi SPR. As a way to get more fuel into Pakistan, the proposed plan calls for building a pipeline from the Karachi SPR to the Mehmood Kot.

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