Punjab Tourism Development Corporation is erecting glamping pods

Punjab Tourism Development Corporation is erecting glamping pods

Punjab Tourism Development Corporation is erecting glamping pods. The Punjab Tourism Development Corporation is erecting glamping pods at major tourist destinations to encourage ecotourism. It will cost Rs40m. Glamping pods have been installed at Patriata, Murree, and will soon be installed at Kotli Sattian, Soon Valley, and Changa Manga.

TDCP Managing Director Tanveer Jabbar said the initiative would offer more affordable tourist accommodation and create new tourist spots around Murree to relieve the metropolis. In addition, he claimed the facility would be eco-friendly.

KP Tourism (TCKP) installed glamping pods at Thandiani (Galyat), Bishigram (Swat), Sheikh Badin (Lakki Marwat), Shangla (Malakand) and Sharan (Punjab) (Mansehra). The project was a success, and the enormous crowd enjoyed it.

Mr Shaukat says Patriata was chosen for the comfy camping because it attracts many tourists. He explains that many people wanted to stay the night at Patriata top, but there was no accommodation, but now there are glamping pods.

Punjab Tourism Development Corporation noticed that tourist attractions in Punjab, such as Patriata Top and Kotli Sattian, will have comfy camping constructed. A boutique camping is a pleasant wooden construction designed to replace the traditional tent. Glamping pods are designed to keep occupants safe from the elements, uninvited guests, and a sore back. Glamping pods Pakistan are popular investments for campgrounds aiming to attract younger generations. The project is expected to attract private investment, provide jobs for residents, and contribute to the area’s socio-economic growth.

Punjab Tourism Development Corporation is erecting glamping pods. To learn more about how boutique camping can help diversify your tourist attraction or property rental business. With the increasing popularity of boutique camping, hotels and holiday parks are increasingly adding them. The glamping pods Pakistan are intended to withstand extreme weather with enough ventilation for hot days and insulation for cold days.

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