Top 5 BiggerPockets Podcast episodes

Top 5 BiggerPockets Podcast episodes

BiggerPockets Podcast is a famous show about real estate business that airs on weekly basis. The entire show provides valuable visions and tips for real estate investors. The host of this show are David Greene and Rob Abasolo, who are also one of the best real estate consultants. This podcast session has become a go-to asset for investors who are willing to learn from the best of real estate business. With more than 400 episodes, it has been covering a diverse range of topics, i.e. rental property investing to flipping houses. BiggerPockets Podcast episodes provide knowledgeable insights of residential and commercial real estate

BiggerPockets Podcast Episodes

There are numerous benefits of listening to the BiggerPockets Podcast Episodes. The listeners would get to hear from some of the most populare real estate persons in the industry. They share their tremendous experiences, past mistakes, and accurate strategies for success. Also, the listening audience would get to learn about the ways through which they established their businesses and overcame hurdles on their way. These episodes are also helpful in telling about Real Estate Consultant vs Agent. Some of the important BiggerPockets Podcast Episodes are as following

How to Quit Your Job and Invest Full-Time

The host behind this podcast is J Scott, who is an influential and real estate investor. He has flipped over more than 300 houses. In this episode, he talks about his journey from a full-time employee to a full-time investor and provides tips for others who want to have a similar experience. He also talks about the significance of systems and procedures in developing a successful real estate business. One can also learn about some global real estate consultants to get more knowledge of real estate.

Building a $350 Million Real Estate Empire

The host of this segment is Chris Clothier, who also acts as a partner at Memphis Invest. It is an investment firm that has bought more than 5,000 properties of $800 million. In the entire episode, he gives his knowledge on establishing a huge real estate business and debates the significance of building a strong team.

Purchasing a 115-Unit Apartment Complex for No Cash Out of Pocket

These real estate podcasts are hosted by Brian Murray, who is also the owner of Washington Street Properties, a popular commercial real estate investment entity. He talks about experience of purchasing a 115-unit apartment complex without using utilizing his own expenses in this episode. He also suggests some tips for searching and funding commercial real estate contracts.

15 Real Estate Investing Lessons Learned the Hard Way

David Greene is one behind this podcast, and is also a main host of other podcasts of BiggerPockets and a successful real estate investor. In this segment, he shares around 10 lessons of the hard ways he learned i.e. the significance of due diligence, the risks of over-leveraging, and the worth of perseverance. This podcast also emphasize on Social media marketing for real estate agents podcast, where one knows about popular podcasts in social media.

How to Read Human Nature to Succeed in Life

Robert Greene is the one behind this podcast, who is also an author of some bestsellars like “The 48 Laws of Power” and “Mastery.” In this segment, he talks about the ways of reading human nature to succeed in life. He also discusses the importance of understanding motivations of individuals and the persuasion power. It is one of the those BiggerPockets Podcast Episodes that also discusses ways to persuade others.


Making any first real estate investment might be challenging for the young entrepreneurs. So, all these BiggerPockets Podcast Episodes provide excellent strategies that the real estate investors can utilize to generate profits. These podcasts also provide practical tools and best advices for free. If you want to know more about these podcasts, then visit Estate Land Marketing for more knowledge.

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